11 December 2008

Ironic PoMo Observation

This is why I love Google Reader. I was catching up on news stories that I'd missed in the last week or so because of the end of the term. First there's this article from Politico in which one of McCain's attorneys accuse Obama of running a Nixon-esque campaign and "drowning McCain in cash":
A close John McCain ally charged on Thursday that Barack Obama had followed Richard Nixon’s 1972 path to victory — drowning his opponent with cash — and asserted Obama was never held to account for breaking a promise to participate in a system that would have limited his campaign’s historic spending.
It's nothing spectacular, and I skimmed it before looking at the next item listed, which was an article on the NYT website about the $110,000 the McCain-Palin campaign spent on Palin's stylist:
Gov. Sarah Palin’s traveling makeup artist was paid $68,400 and her hair stylist received more than $42,000 for roughly two months of work, according to a new campaign finance report filed with the Federal Election Commission.

This is PoMo, meme irony at its very best. I love you, internets.